Canada Won’t Challenge First-Gen Canadian Citizenship Ruling

In a recent statement, The Honourable Marc Miller, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, addressed a significant development concerning Canadian citizenship laws.

He highlighted that the Citizenship Act currently imposes a ‘first generation limit’ on citizenship by descent, meaning that children born abroad to Canadian citizens beyond the first generation typically do not automatically acquire Canadian citizenship at birth. However, on December 19, 2023, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice ruled that this limit is unconstitutional.

“This law, as it currently stands, has had unacceptable consequences for Canadians whose children were born outside the country,” Minister Miller stated. “For this reason, we will not appeal the ruling.”

The decision has far-reaching implications for individuals affected by this policy. The government emphasized their commitment to assessing the impact of the court’s decision on existing legislation. He assured that more information would be provided promptly to address any questions or concerns that may arise among impacted individuals and their families.

Finally, they say that Canadian Citizenship is highly valued worldwide. Therefore, they are committed to making the citizenship process as fair and transparent as possible. 

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