Canadian Visa Tips for a Strong Application

Tips for Canadian Visa Approval

Whether you want to immigrate as a visitor, student or worker, you would need a strong visa application. There are some key factors to consider when preparing all your documents. It is extremely important to lend a professional to review your profile before any submission, any rejection will be in your records and will make your immigration process a struggle. If you need a visa expert, please check our Marketplace for trusted services.

Economic solvency

This is one of the most important factors to consider. When you want to immigrate to Canada, the government will ask you to demonstrate that you have enough funds to afford your stay in the country. To support this factor, upload documents such as bank statements, student loans, employment certificates with your salary, and tuition fee payment if you come to study.

SOP letter 

The Statement of Purpose is the letter which will provide your trip reasons. Here is where you are going to explain to the government why you want to immigrate to Canada. It is key that in this document, you demonstrate that you will only travel for the permit you are asking for. As an example, if you are asking for a student visa and permit, explain why you want to study in Canada and how this will improve your skills to continue your professional path when returning to your home country. Always give strong reasons for going back to your country of origin, explaining the roots that will make you go back. Also, explain about your economic solvency, giving further details about the documents you submit.

Extra documents

A strong Visa Application has a lot of documents. Apart from the ones we already mentioned, and the regular ones such as a passport, it is a good idea to submit documents that prove your need to go back to your home country. These can be letters of employment, business contracts, real estate properties, child responsibility such as tuition fees, and other similar ones.

Canada’s official website explains the different visa types, requirements and how to apply. Visit them for more information.

Need to ask a question?

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you need support to settle in Canada, we provide immigration help completely free. Just register with us today and you will have a designated consultant who will resolve your inquiries plus so many resources to make your immigration process so simple.